If you’re in the process of transferring your shareholding to another person, please pay the member share transfer fee here.

Step 1 of 2

Share transfer fees

Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
Price: $ 0.00

Guidance around transfers

What’s the process for a share transfer?

Please read the Selling Shares Information Booklet for the full process for share transfers. Some of the key steps are:

  1. Complete the Shareholding Transfer Form
  2. Send it to Link Market Services
  3. We notify you when that’s received
  4. You pay your share transfer fee on this page
  5. Board decide on transfer
  6. You’re notified of approval

How long does a transfer take?

A transfer needs to be approved by the board and can take between 1 to 2 months. We’ll endeavour to do this as quickly as possible, but if you’re unsure about where your transfer is up to, please contact

What information should I provide the transferee?

It’s important that the person you’re transferring your shareholding to is informed about co-operative membership. The best way to learn about being a Hepburn Energy member is through our Members page. For any other queries, please contact

Why is there a transfer fee?

The transfer fee is designed to cover the administrative costs of dealing with a shareholding transfer.

Should you require further assistance please contact the Hepburn Energy team.

Enquire here
